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M. Sulthan Al Ihsan

Mobile App Developer

About Me

"Hello, I'm Sulthan. I specialize in developing cross-platform applications using Flutter. I have experience in building scalable applications. I work as a staff member in Land Data and Information at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN)" .

Latest Projects

project name

SIDAPAKASI - Tourism Information App

Sidapakasi (sistem informasi data pariwisata kalimantan selatan) a government application project as a tourism information center in the province of South Kalimantan.

Google Play

project name

PASAR WADAI ONLEN - Traditional Cake Market App

A volunteering app with my partners that was launched at last Ramadan for enliven ramadhan during covid-19. The main idea is people can sell and share their cake through the app

Google Play


project name

KANDA KITA - Office Activities App

Kanda Kita app is my freelance project for South Borneo branch of Bank Indonesia, this app is for facilitating internal office activities such as booking meeting rooms, information for important activities, ordering vehicles, agendas, downloading files, and document numbering.

Google Play

App Store

project name

MY REMINDER BOTTLE - Drinking Reminder App

A drinking water reminder app, I create it just for participate in Flutter indonesia hackethon 2020 event and reach to Top 10 apps finalist. But this project is still continue until become my own business and sell it to the public.

Google Play



project name

BAKUL EMAK - On Demand Delivery App

On-Demand delivery app for startup based on South Kalimantan, The application consists of three different apps, for user, merchant and courier

Google Play

App Store

project name

E-Presensi - Attendence App

An app project for my workoffice, an attandance app for employees. Main features are attandance, tracking location and history

Google Play

App Store

Web (open with mobile device)

project name

E-Office - Office Administration App

One of my app project for my workoffice, Eoffice app, this application is used for Top Level officials for eselon 2 to 3 levels to simplify and manage the flow of letters disposition and office administration.

Work Experience

Pengelola Data & Informasi Pertanahan - (2022 - Present)

Manage data & information of land

Mobile App Developer & IT Staff - BAPPEDA KALSEL (2020 - 2022)

Develop, maintenance and scaling several mobile app for office-use from scratch and contribute to provincial government digitize plan project.

Mobile App Developer - Halo Tech (Software House) (2020 - 2020)

Develop existing application project and Refactored entire existing code project.

Mobile App Developer and Flutter Trainer - (2019 - 2020)

Creates and develops training modules, materials, and classes, schedules classes into facilities, and provides class lecture to the students. and also work on several client project